Thursday, December 26, 2013

Fox Sparrow & CBC Documentation

The Brattleboro Area CBC "count week" ended on Tuesday, 12/24. At 4:00pm on Tuesday, a Fox Sparrow was scratching beneath one of our feeders, just making it into the "cw" list.

This crummy photo is for documentation purposes ...

Fox Sparrow - 12/24, 4:10pm
 The Fox Sparrow was present off and on throughout Christmas Day ...

Fox Sparrow, 12/25, South Newfane
Also for documentation purposes is this equally crummy photo of the White-crowned Sparrow on 12/22, the day after the Brattleboro CBC. The bird has been present since early December. It was missed on count day, probably because we were both in the field all day counting bird ...

White-crowned Sparrow, South Newfane, VT 12/22
During the summer, 5 pair of Evening Grosbeaks consumed copious quantities of black oil seed raising their young. When the job was complete, they left, and my bird-seed cost plummeted. A small flock made a brief stop yesterday ...

Evening Grosbeak
I took few photos during the CBC last Saturday, except for a flock of Cedar Waxwings. This youngster was "knee deep" in snow ...

Cedar Waxwing
I hope 2013 has been a good birding year for you!!


troutbirder said...

Not really all that crummy and a interest collection for a northern CBC....;)

Kelly said...

...I haven't had a Fox Sparrow in my yard in two years! Glad one visited you. Wish one would come back our way! Sounds like you've had good birding and good CBCs.


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